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Selected MFA Work: Unconscious Mind Calendar


4.25.2011.  17:00.  99.59.59  

Solo MFA Thesis Show

Pratt Institute, Brooklyn, New York


4/25/11.  17:00.  99:59:59

"I look at this series as a journal or diary of sorts.  I am documenting, and collecting these visual depictions of a moment in time.  By arranging a logical, or glass box, set up, I give myself a somewhat controlled situation. Within these constraints, such as a fixed set of materials (acrylics, oil sticks, charcoal, graphite), a process is then set in motion that has unpredictable results, becoming a completely black box procedure. Everything is then created intuitively.  The stopwatch starts, but there is no time limit.  It just happens to be that each piece takes under six minutes to make. The movement is fluid across the paper. Sometimes this becomes an aggressive action.  Bundles of scratchy lines can form.  Other times it becomes calm and minimal.  Masses of color and line interact. Sometimes these shapes are centrally located and other times continue well off the page.  The body interacts with the materials on an intimate level.  I work on the floor hunched over the paper, moving around the piece. Occasionally I close my eyes.  I work with both hands.  My hands and arms sometimes act as the brush to move paint around.  If I stop moving, I consider time to be up.  The finished piece acts as a record of a moment.

This show is arranged in order to engage with the work in three different ways.

The drawings are done daily, and therefore each are of equal value to me (as part of a collection).  The large wall illustrates this totality. The second wall allows the viewer to experience the work in a traditional setting.  As I think of this collection as a journal, the smaller drawings (not incorporated on the previous walls) take on a book form on the last blank wall.  The viewer is then invited to have a tactile interaction with the work. "

-Kelly Worman, 2011

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